Reformulary Group
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About Reformulary Group

For decades, few knew what a formulary was, let alone understood its importance.

And because no one took care of it, a formulary ceased to be nothing more than a long list that went unmanaged, was undifferentiated, and was not transparent to users.

When a formulary is not managed intelligently and Canadian employers are spending $11 billion annually, there are bound to be consequences.

Increasing drug spend and rising premiums will ultimately lead to desperate and blunt measures to control costs. These measures tend to alienate employees without appreciably reducing costs.

That is precisely why our founder started Reformulary Group, and consequently, why we continue to achieve a high level of success.

Our Reformulary® - which is built on trusted, expert, independent advice – has proven to save employers money and make their plans more sustainable.

Through our Reformulary's DrugFinder® platform, we put the formulary in the hands of plan members and Canadians to empower them to make smart drug choices.

Our new Cannabis Standard™ formulary is being built based on a thorough review of the evidence and on the trusted independent advice of our Cannabis Formulary Committee.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada