The Investigative Journalism Foundation is Canada’s leading non-profit newsroom focused on public interest journalism. We are a new kind of media outlet built around databases on who donates to politicians across Canada, who lobbies them, and how the government spends your money.
Launched last year, we’re rapidly growing and proud to have been selected for Fast Forward’s 2024 Accelerator for tech non-profits. We’re also delighted to have won a Digital Publishing Award in the Data Journalism category and to be a finalist for the Institute for Nonprofit News annual awards in the Startup Of The Year category and a finalist for LION Publishers New Business Of The Year.
As a non-profit, non-partisan media outlet, our primary purpose is to serve the public. We do this by publishing in-depth investigative journalism that speaks truth to power. Our databases are also used by other journalists, academics, policymakers and individuals seeking to increase transparency and strengthen Canadian democracy.
We believe in a collaborative model and are proud to partner with leading media outlets to ensure our non-profit journalism reaches as wide an audience as possible. To date, our journalism partners include CBC, The National Post, The Walrus, CTV, The Canadian Press, Capital Daily, The Tyee, Canada’s National Observer and The Narwhal.